The link for the English article "Implementing iCloud Sync with SwiftData and CKSyncEngine" appears in Chinese. This happens in almost all newsletters at least once for an English article. The Chinese article displays in Safari where I can usually have Safari translate it to English; not this time. Please verify all English links in a weekly display English. Thanks.
I consider your weekly newsletter one of the best available. Always full of links to useful articles, including those by yourself. Yours effort is appreciated.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I can translate the article into English using Safari. I will check with the author to see if this might be related to their webpage settings. For future newsletters, I will conduct more thorough checks to ensure articles can be properly translated. Thank you again for your support and appreciation of the newsletter!
The link for the English article "Implementing iCloud Sync with SwiftData and CKSyncEngine" appears in Chinese. This happens in almost all newsletters at least once for an English article. The Chinese article displays in Safari where I can usually have Safari translate it to English; not this time. Please verify all English links in a weekly display English. Thanks.
I consider your weekly newsletter one of the best available. Always full of links to useful articles, including those by yourself. Yours effort is appreciated.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I can translate the article into English using Safari. I will check with the author to see if this might be related to their webpage settings. For future newsletters, I will conduct more thorough checks to ensure articles can be properly translated. Thank you again for your support and appreciation of the newsletter!