Weekly Comment

Fireworks and Drones
This year, I experienced a quieter Spring Festival than usual.
According to ancient Chinese legend, there was a mythical beast called Nian—a ferocious creature with long antennae that would terrorize humans. Every Lunar New Year's Eve, as the old year gave way to the new, Nian would emerge to wreak havoc. However, the beast feared three things: the color red, flames, and loud noises. To ward it off, people would paste red couplets on their doors, set off firecrackers, and keep their lights burning throughout the night. This tradition evolved into what we now call "Guo Nian" (celebrating the New Year).
For Chinese people, the New Year has always been inseparable from the brilliance of fireworks and the lingering scent of sulfur in the air. In recent years, however, many cities have restricted firework displays for environmental and safety concerns. Even in my city, where fireworks were traditionally unrestricted, core urban areas faced new regulations this year. While the city has indeed grown quieter, something of the festive spirit seems to have dimmed with the silence.
With advances in drone technology, many celebrations now feature choreographed drone formations in place of traditional fireworks. The first time I witnessed thousands of synchronized lights painting three-dimensional patterns across the night sky, I was genuinely awestruck. Yet over time, compared to fireworks, these displays began to feel somehow lacking in spirit. While drones execute their perfectly programmed routines, fireworks—despite their occasional imperfections—spark deeper wonder in their brief, explosive brilliance. This perhaps reflects a broader truth about art: overly precise expressions can limit imagination and audience engagement.
Technological progress need not demand absolute precision and order. Life's most memorable moments often spring from the unexpected and unpredictable. Drone shows and robotic performances are certainly products of our time, driving innovation and delivering impressive spectacles. Yet they should complement tradition rather than replace it. Today's cutting-edge technology may seem commonplace tomorrow, while the "primitive" rituals that have coursed through our veins for centuries—these are what truly sustain a civilization's soul.
Finding harmony between safety, environmental protection, cultural heritage, and technological advancement remains an ongoing challenge—one that deserves our continued exploration.
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Drone-fireworks were amazing indeed )